We’ll let the readers discover the typos on their own. The following
are mostly factual errors or errors that might render the text
misleading or confusing.
- In the first set of images, which start after page 16, there are a
couple of references to "Festivals Acadiens and Créoles". It should
read Festivals Acadiens et Créoles.
- Page 28: The first line of the Feature
should read “In 1842, Antoine Gérin-Lajoie wrote “Un Canadien Errant”
(not “Un Acadien Errant”) as a song about….”
- Bottom of Page 28 and top of page 29: should read Jeanette Arsenault also sings the song on her Acadie Odyssey album (2013).
- Page
39-40: On these pages and elsewhere in the book, acute accents should
not appear on the name Évangéline when the references are to
English-language films and songs.
- Page 52: section on Global Rhythm
- The
second sentence, which is crucial to the meaning of the paragraph, was
left out. The missing sentence: “In early 2005 the New York-based editor
asked me to write an article on music from Québec.”
- Page
73: The second paragraph in the profile of La Virée belongs at the
bottom of the previous page. The album titled L’Étoile du Nord is by La
Famille Léger.
- Page 83: The heading Hert LaBlanc should read as Hert LeBlanc
- Page 138: The heading should read Marc Thériault and not Marc ThériaultLe.
- Page
154: The lyrics to the song "Jambalaya" can be found on many Websites.
Unfortunately, most of them got it wrong. The correct lyrics can be
found at: www.cajunradio.org/wordscajun3.html
- Page
174: The second sentence should read “A year after Hank Williams had a
huge hit with “Jambalaya,”…. The reference to a “huge bit” was a
Freudian slip. Country music historians have never speculated about the
size of Hank’s “bit.”
- Page 255: In the Lawrence Walker discography there should be commas after La Louisianne and Khoury.
- Page 269: Only the first four albums are live performances. The last sentence is redundant and should be ignored.
- Page 270: On top of the page the word “Selected” should precede the word Discography.
- Page
274: With regard to the first sentence: The zydeco genre has sometimes
been referred to as “zarico” or “zodico” but never as “Zydoco.”
- Page
279: After the Swamp Pop Volume 1 to Volume 8 (Jin) heading: The first
sentence should read “This series…” instead of “This album…”
- Page 296: The first line of the last paragraph should read “Valcour reissued…”
- Page
297: Starting with Rod Bernard and Clifton Chenier it should have been
made clear that the 18 entries that follow refer to a wish list for
- Page 301: The best and most widely available
European collections of Cajun artists have been left out. That listing
will soon be listed on the book’s Web site: acadiandriftwood.ca
- Page
311: The beginning of the last paragraph reads: “Adieu False Heart
involved several non-Cajun women.” That sentence should be ignored.
- Page
313: With reference to the sentence that follows the “Cajun and Acadian
Occasional Songs” heading, see above comment for Page 311.
- Page
315: The last two lines in the Zachary Richard entry on the J’aime la
vie album should read: “…album of positive songs to send out into the
world. The songs and the 20-page booklet are all in French.”
- Page
319: The first three words (“The titling for Acadian songs…”) in the
first sentence of the Place Names section should be ignored.
- Page
324: The second sentence under the Every Cajun Must Get Stoned heading
should read: They’re worth hearing, especially for those who are tired of hearing the umpteenth rendition of “Les Flammes d’Enfer,” “La Porte d’en arrière,” and “My Toot Toot.”
- Page
325: The Beau Jocque entry (third from the bottom) should have had a
colon (:) after Beau Jocque and an apostrophe (‘) after Drells.
- Page 329: Starting with Abe Manuel (second entry from the bottom of the page) these last eight listings are of tribute albums.
- Page
335: Most of the Backbenchers & Sidekicks section didn’t make it to
print. The third and last paragraph of this section should read: “Other
artists include Link Davis, Link Davis, Jr., Gib Guilbeau, the Red
Stick Ramblers, and Fiddlin’ Frenchie Burke.”
- Page 336: The last paragraph that starts at the bottom of the page and that ends on top of page 337 should be ignored.
- Page
338: A sentence (and half of another one) is missing from the top of
the page. It should read: “The Western or European worldview allows for
only two kinds of citizens: winners or losers. The Acadians of the 18th
century broke away from this mindset and collaborated with native people
to their mutual benefit.”
- Page 339: The heading that
precedes the last paragraph of the page should have been left out, or
written as it appears in the second line of that paragraph (Chansons des
Cajuns noirs).
- Page 340: The heading should be spelled Rapprochement.
- Page 343: The heading Cajuns Sing about Identity should appear on page 342 after Marie-Jo Thério and before Johnnie Allan.